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Art Therapy Project - The Great Devotional Wall of Women

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

One major art therapy project for me has been The Great Wall of Women. I started relating to women through art as therapy, as mentioned earlier

It's taken long arduous stretches of 100% pure insanity and Goddess devotion but the Great Wall of Women is nearing completion...

Art opens portals between the worlds expanding consciousness and higher vibratory states. This shift in consciousness allows healing and returning to wholeness. Art is a healing tool.
One can use their creativity to shift reality, to shift perception and to refocus any distortion to a balanced and whole pattern or vibration. They dance between the worlds in many ways, to bring healing, vision, guidance and transformation to the world of illusion, restoring wholeness.
When a person was sick, say with a diseased liver, the medicine man or woman would craft a sculpture of a healthy liver for the patient to have in their home, to look upon and “visualize.”
Through their vibrant art they create sacred symbols of their powerful allies as sacred medicine for protection and power. These art pieces are ceremonial and put prayer into form.
Regardless of which shamanic culture you look at you will find sacred, ceremonial, symbolic and ritualistic art that brings meaning and purpose to life, unifying the sacred, the Divine, into beautiful form. Each art piece is capable of transporting you beyond the ordinary linear reality into one that is divinely orchestrated and transcendently healing, sacred through and through. Engage the art not only with your eyes, but with your heart. Open to receive a healing, an awakening and transference of consciousness.

It's been interesting as I've slowly and super awkwardly started to begin to relate to compassionate women in the world, in person and through art how the art style has shifted and ways of being and relating to women has transformed and evolved, from initially a fear based dismissive total avoidance mode, to glimmers of curiosity, to slowly begin moving, albeit developmentally stuntedly, into lower-nature lusty art, to gradually relating in different emotional and spiritual realms and deriving different levels and depths of sensed connection

Never a lonely moment...

Art can take us out of our normal lives and enable us to change our thinking, which can have a profound influence on how we relate to the world around us." People become shape-shifters and in this there is a perennial, ferocious hope; the hope which transforms, which whispers of possibility, of vision, of change and radical healing.

Researchers have discovered that art can in fact fundamentally change our sense of who we are and change one's world [1]. Art can change human consciousness in revolutionary ways and as such has a place in human history as an agent of change.

Our brains will continue to change and respond to environmental activity throughout our lives. Neuroplasticity – when mixed with art engagement - can be incredibly beneficial for mental wellbeing [2]

One experiment of mine, on my woman bender, has been to note the trajectory of ill, scattered and primal libidinal energy into healthy creative art. I've tried to sit with as much tension as I can muster and channel it completely and totally into art and explore how it metamorphosises. There's a transcendence that slowly develops, as the relationship to the energy becomes more sanctified and Holy.

One thing I've noted is such energy slowly becomes less and less primally libidinally centred, becoming progressively expansive, diffuse, non-attached, hearty and spiritualised.

I've tried to show the tension to creative energy metamorphosis through these.

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