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Healthy Connections and Healing Heartmates

Chronic disconnection is really hard to undo... Finding those growth-promoting, healing healthy connections is important

I've slowly warmed to an appreciation of the You-niverse after a long time in a dismal self-imploding void of disconnection. I find THE most potently healing and desirable emotional space is a feeling of Heart-to-Heart connection - to simply feel deeper levels of connection, love, kindness, compassion, gratitude etc. It's an interesting dilemma how one with severe struggles can generate healing heart-centred relational connections, emotional intimacy and healthy growth while addressing fundamental emotional needs like love and belonging, which to me are some of the strongest and most important interpersonal healing forces for positive growth.

The You-niverse is:

The gateway to beyond

The fear within

The pain and pleasure

The expansion of my narrowness

The unexplored frontier

The birther of the fire of love

The catalyst of growth

The death of stagnation

The lotus blooming beyond the mud

The light in the dark

Normally my self-other boundaries are extremely walled or pathologically blurred but finding through creating art and creative writing as a proxy to therapeutic human relating, I can healthily dissolve into, relate to and merge with 'other' into feelings of greater emotional intimacy, respectful equality and healthy connection and explore new healthier areas.

Often my rational-analytical mind takes over and I 'analyse the hell' out of anything in rigid you-vs-me where the relational field is I'm not OK, you're OK, but through a more creative approach, the self-other boundaries become much more healthily emotionally fluid, those walls start to dissolve to We, there becomes 'no other' just a healing connected relational field of 'Us' where a healthier part of Self that is 'OK' slowly builds and starts to lovingly embrace that 'you're OK' too

I really like the concept of 'healing heartmates'

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