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Herbalism made simple Pt 2 - getting all emotional with plants

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

Teas are a really nice introduction to the herbal world. You work with and build friendships with subtle plants (I like things like the mint family as a good introduction) but from there, you seemingly open up to new adventures with your plant allies. It's nice to break away from that 'fixing' mentality to just have a simple brew that celebrates you, shows yourself loving-kindness and care, in all your (even if messy) totality. You can also start to consider a more deeply healing approach to your plant friends. I feel tapping into the connections, the emotional realm and amplifying intentions with the power of belief etc is all a valid part of the medicine I used to be big on coming in from the researching pharmacological properties of plants in the literature to try and have a better quality of life. I didn't get a better quality of life... While I appreciate that science-y evidence-based approach to health and it certainly has it's merits, it's seemingly not a complete picture of providing holistic care for the body, mind and spirit I like the view that shifts the lens a bit away from 'treating pathology' From Herbal Protocols for Emotional Well-Being

"...the focus is on the relationship to the plants themselves. In essence, the relationship to the “medicine” is as important as the “medicine” itself. The goal is not necessarily just a gross medicinal effect, but also the ineffable qualities of connectedness, beauty, enrichment and relationship. One looks at some of the larger picture of how mental health has been compromised. Trauma, oppression, disconnection from nature, the stresses of modernity, isolation and challenges in access are often parts of the equation. One is encouraged to become a medicine makers themselves

...the relationship is perhaps more important than the physical act of taking medicine and one will look at the emotional challenges the person is experiencing- grief, loss, anxiety, confusion, sadness and despair.

The greater goal is long term- to help an individual shift to a new “Fabric”– literally help them change their overall way of being in the world- from one of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, anxious in despair and sorrow- to one of feeling more completely changed- stronger, more resilient, happier day to day and less likely to be prone to flares of panic, anxiety and depression. It offers tools to help change the vantage repeatedly until the individual more deeply shifts out of stuck and frozen places- until the entire fabric shifts." As an example, I was doing some work with Lemon Balm and Lime Balm (Melissa officinalis) when I was struggling with an extreme sense of aloneness. I love it when people start embracing our more common plant allies and have connecting and transformative experiences like "I felt an immediate kinship with lemon balm- it was a whirlwind romance with my little backyard sweetheart." [1] There's something I find really beautiful about that.

As a culture, our generation has come to see Plant Medicine in a limited scope, I'd like to question the trend that makes us think we need 'intense peak experiences' to be better people.

I feel that reflects a negative trait of culture where the experiences we seek (and say we require for 'healing') are "intenser, better, faster, harder". I feel that's a serious flaw that detracts from building our own innate healthy relational and spiritual nature and healthy relationships with life, instead relegating that to needing strong peak experiences which detracts from gradual, stable, healthy self-initiated and empowered transformation.

I find all that is needed is a mild relational catalyst to soften boundaries. You can have transformative experiences with 'subtle' allies and derive deeply connecting, movingly emotive, meaningful, metamorphosis-promoting experiences. I find those relationships with deriving Sacredness, meaning and connection from the often considered more mundane are powerful

I sometimes have a nice chill session with Melissa from the garden, which is nicely healing and connecting. Say a prayer, set intentions, connect with her, spend some time with her, it's nice

Lime Balm

In the flow of Melissa, Crete Balm a sister Citrusy aroma of lime Divinely sublime Dew of Feminine reverence Respectful nourishing presence Melancholy she mellows Calms supportively her fellows Nectar of sweetness beyond strife Essence of life's elixir

I take deep breaths to de-stress Go outside to lay in the grass in the sunshine of her gentle caress Her loving kind heart she shares free Let's one start to see Fluidity of emotions, Embrace of Divine the notion Steady persistent peace and love She lights one to embrace above the pain Compassion one gains Disorder she softly wanes

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