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Recovery beyond meds

It's been interesting considering 'recovery' beyond meds...

The mental health recovery process in general suggests a variety of internal factors that contribute to recovery, including changes in how people view their symptoms and themselves: people highlight the importance of achieving a change in perspective regarding self and the relationship with symptoms. For many, assuming a giving role had an even greater impact on their recovery process than the support they received from others.

The recovery process includes developing a positive outlook and building self-esteem as part of a holistic approach to life in recovery. People especially noted the powerful role of shifting from a passive “patient mindset” of “just sit and wait for this medical quick fix” to finding determination to take back control of their life. The sense of contribution, purpose, and meaning accompanying different social roles helped participants to define who they were healthily

The internal recovery process also included a variety of cognitive changes—shifts in thinking, beliefs, and motivation that supported participants’ sustained recovery. These cognitive processes included an increased sense of ownership to take control of life, determination to get better, positive thinking, and being hopeful.

Another key internal recovery process involved emotional processes—increased awareness, acceptance, and coping skills for dealing with feelings and emotions. The increased ability to be aware of, understand, and accept their emotions enabled participants to make peace with their feelings, let go of negative emotions, and better regulate their emotions. These emotional processes were closely related to cognitive processes, which gave participants a diferent understanding of their emotions

People stressed the importance of an increased sense of ownership to take control of life, determination to get better, hope and positivity, as well as an increased awareness, understanding, and acceptance of their emotions, especially negative emotions. Spirituality and faith also helped participants maintain trust and hope during times of suffering.

In general, finding meaning in recovery is key to the recovery process as is pursuing new roles, and building self-confidence through autonomy and self-discovery

New Description of Self

Changed Perspective of Symptoms

Sense of Control and Ownership

Determination to Get Better

Hope and Positivity

Learning Ways to Cope


There was an especially signifcant process of giving back through taking on social roles, social giving, and fnding a meaningful external focus in their sustained recovery.

Social Roles

Social Giving

Meaningful External Focus eg connecting with the outside world and finding purpose

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